The Default State

In this section we will walk through the Default implementation of the State layer. Please don't be mistaken by thinking Default means just a placeholder for something more powerful or that this implementation is not for production usage.

This Default implementation is powerful enough to answer most use cases. It is default just because we had to start with something...

Behavior of the Default State

The Default state layer is a key/value store, where the key is expected to be a string and the value anything JSON compatible, including a JSON object.

The Default state layer supports setting up a TTL per key or a default TTL to be applied to all keys that don't have a TTL set when putting a value into the state.

Also supported is a data seeder. You will learn more about data seeders in the Data Seeders chapter. For now it is enough to know that a data seeder will load your data into the C19 agent as it first launches.

State Configuration

  kind: Default
  ttl: null
  purge_interval: 60000
    kind: File
    filename: data.json

kind - Here we mention we would like to use the Default state layer.

ttl - The TTL to use (in milliseconds). If left out then there will be no default TTL set for keys. In any case, you can always set a TTL for a key when setting a value to the state. Default value is no ttl.

purge_interval - The Default state will always filter out expired keys, but will still hold them in memory until purged. This setting controls the interval (in milliseconds) in which expired keys will be purged. Default value is 1 minute.

data_seeder - Optional and can be omitted. The Data Seeder to use when launching the C19 agent. In the above example we are using a data seeder that loads the data from a file named data.json