Peer Providers

When a connection layer needs to select peers to connect to it uses a Peer Provider to get the full list of available peers to choose from. This is of course implementation dependent and you should first confirm that the connection layer you choose is working with peer providers.

The Default connection layer is using a peer provider to get the full list of available peers. As with other components in the C19 agent, there are different peer providers to choose from.

Please refer to Appendix I / Available Peer Providers for a full list of peer providers to choose from.

Let's look at two peer providers as an example:

1. The K8s Peer Provider

  kind: K8s
    c19: getting-started
  namespace: default

The K8s peer provider targets Kubernetes and will query for pod endpoints using a label selector. You can configure the K8s peer provider to query across all namespaces or a single one.

2. The Static Peer Provider

  kind: Static

The static peer provider allows setting a fixed, predefined list of peers. You can configure it to include as many peers as you wish and can also include a different port for each peer. If no port is specified it will fall back to the target_port of the connection layer or the port configuration of the connection layer.