The Default State

The Default state layer implementation offers a key/value store where the key is a string and the value is anything JSON, including a JSON object.

When setting values to the store, the state expects a JSON object with a value and other optional fields (see below). It will return a JSON object with the value and all optional fields when retrieving values from the store.

This state also supports Data Seeders.


  kind: Default
  ttl: null
  purge_interval: 60000
    kind: File
    filename: data.json

ttl - The default TTL (in milliseconds) to use for new keys that are not explicitly set with their own TTL. Default value is null (no default ttl).

purge_interval - The Default state will always filter out expired keys, but will still hold them in memory until purged. This setting controls the interval (in milliseconds) in which expired keys will be purged. Default value is 1 minute.

data_seeder - The Data Seeder to use when the state is first loaded. Default value is null (no default data seeder).


The state holds a map of key to value where the value is anything JSON. It offers an optional TTL per key and will expire those keys at a certain interval.

Setting Values

The State expects a JSON object in the following form:

  "key": {
    "value": <any valid json value>,
    "ttl": <optional. ttl in milliseconds>,
    "ts": <optional. manually setting the timestamp (in milliseconds since epoch) of this key

Getting Values

The state will return a JSON as mentioned above.

TTL and Purging Keys

The state will not return expired keys and will purge them every purge_interval milliseconds.

Data Seeders

The state supports data seeders and will load a data seeder as the first step of initialization.