The Default Agent

The Default agent layer allows an application to get and set values using HTTP requests. It does not assume anything about the State being used, hence the body of the request can be anything.

Setting Values

The agent exposes a PUT request endpoint which accepts a body of any type that will be passed to the state. As mentioned, the Default agent does not assume anything about the State being used. This means that the body of the message can represent any type. When using the Defaul state layer, the body of the message is expected to be a JSON object representing the value being set:

curl -XPUT localhost:3097/ -d '{"cat": {"value":"garfield"}}'

Getting Values

The agent exposes a GET request endpoint where the path represents the key to be retrieved from the state. The response is dependent on the State being used. In the following example we are using the Default state layer which outputs a JSON object with the value and extra details:

$ curl localhost:3097/cat


  kind: Default
  port: 3097

The only relevant configuration option for the Default agent layer is the port to bind to when accepting connections from an application. The default port value is 3097.