Redis Backed State

The Default state implementation holds the data in-memory using a HashMap, but in fact anything can be used to store the values. Redis is a great option to store key/value pairs and to allow different ways of accessing the data with its special data structure commands.


In this case the State would store the values in Redis, the Connection layer would have to implement a reasonable way of exchanging the data either by exchanging changes or the whole Redis RDB file and the Agent can be either agnostic to the fact that the values are stored in Redis or by exposing Redis commands through HTTP to allow an application to make actual calls to Redis.

The State would store values in Redis. Since the StateValue can represent anything, the State can treat it as a command protocol to pass to Redis. For example, the StateValue can be a JSON object that describes a Redis command.


The Connection layer would have to implement a reasonable way of exchanging the Redis data with other peers. Either be exchanging changes only, or by exchanging the full Redis RDB file.


The Agent can actually be agnostic to the fact that the state is stored in Redis. The Default agent, for example, does not know anything about the payload of the data so the data can be a JSON object that represents a command to Redis or it can be a normal key value object to be stored in Redis without being to specific to the fact that it's Redis.